7 Tips to build credibility as the next generation of leaders Written for Farm Futures and originally published on 10/16/24 here. Sometimes, the next generation of family members or employees don't feel they can earn credibility with the old guard or senior generation. The following are some tips gleaned from some young ones in the younger generation who have broken through and earned credibility and respect. Transitioning a business from one generation to the next is not easy. One particularly difficult area is how to bring the next generation on board. The young next generation brings energy and...
Category: Leadership
Good leaders all have soft skills
Soft skills help build stronger teams with fewer headaches. Written for Progressive Dairy and originally published 1/16/23 HERE. How often have you seen a highly skilled manager fail in leading their team? Some signs are high turnover, lax standards and low morale. How often have you seen employees or owners in charge of managing people struggle to connect with employees and keeping everyone aligned with the goals? How often have employees been promoted because they have the technical know-how and work hard, but no one wants to work with them? Great leaders are goal-orientated but realize they need to build...
Essential Skills for Leaders: Skill 2- EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE
What is EQ? And, why should I care? Written for Progressive Dairy Dec 2023. When you think of a "perfect leader," what comes to mind? You might picture someone who never lets his temper get out of control, no matter what problems he's facing. Or you might think of someone who has the complete trust of her staff, listens to her team, is easy to talk to, asks good questions, and always makes careful, informed decisions. These are qualities of someone with high emotional intelligence, also known as EQ. I know what you are thinking. Emotional AND intelligence don't belong...
Communication Tools to tame the whirlwind
Holding onto outdated communication tools might be holding you back. Originally published at farmfutures.com on 8/20/2021 Communication is often the missing ingredient as farms try to grow. Okay. Maybe communication isn't completely missing. But in the recipe for success, the ingredient called "communication" is needed in a larger quantity and quality. For several years we have been surveying owners and employees on various topics as part of the Executive Farmer Network peer group events. Communication is always listed as a top item that everyone believes needs addressing. Most farms are at a size when everything from long-term strategies to daily...
Communication, the missing ingredient for success
Okay. Maybe communication isn't completely missing. But in the recipe for success, the ingredient called "COMMUNICATION" is needed in a larger quantity. For several years we have been surveying owners and employees on various topics as part of the Executive Farmer Network peer group events. Communication is always listed as a top item that everyone believes needs addressing. Most farms are at a size when everything from long-term strategies to daily activities need communicating. So, it's no surprise that communication is key for farms that want to grow or transition to a new generation We should be great at...
Who’s In Charge? – Part2 The Accountability Blueprint
It doesn't have to be confusing. Build Accountability Blueprints to manage your farm's transition. We can send you a SAMPLE ACCOUNTABILITY CHART Click Here Unlike other businesses, farmers rarely hand over the keys to the next generation and walk away. Most of the time, the process is gradual for many reasons. In some respects, walking away would simplify the transition process, but most farmers and farm families don't want it, and I understand why. To many, farming is more than an occupation; it's a heritage. A gradual transition method is good, but the boundaries of work, money, and decision-making...
Who’s in charge? – Part 1 Stepping on Toes
Working together, yet apart, helps keeps the peace. It was a fairly standard discussion around a pretty simple question. "Who is in charge of doing the books?" There was an awkward pause as both Mom and daughter look at each other but said nothing. After further discussion, it turns out there was a conflict because It wasn't clear who was in charge of what inside the office. It wasn't clear outside the office either. When asked who was in charge of making the final agronomy decisions (during a private interview), the employee said that Jr. was, unless Dad came around....
Delegating is a skill every leader should master
Have you ever delegated a task to an employee and then felt the need to step in and take over to ensure they did it correctly? Do you ever have the idea that you told someone to tackle a job, but you can't remember who? Are you so busy putting out fires that you can't focus on the larger goals of your business? There never seems to be enough time. Think about your day as an hourglass and your jobs as the sand. There is only so much sand that can pass through it in one day. In like manner,...
Influential Leaders. Inspire? or Deflate?
Each day, we, as leaders, influence our teams. We influence them with our passion, work ethic, and desire to progress. We can either be a positive influence or a negative one. The choice is ours. Great leaders understand the importance of positively influencing others. They help them grow and reach their goals. They communicate well and teach their employees to feel a sense of ownership. More importantly, they are authentic. They lead by example. Influential leaders motivate everyone to become their best. Positive influence is powerful. Negative influence is also powerful. But instead of motivating towards growth, it fosters distrust...
6 Ground Rules for Great Teamwork
Your employees are one of your most valuable resources. Learn the principles and values that are crucial in creating a high-achieving, effective team.