Category: Uncategorized

Succession Planning, Uncategorized

Farm Dangers both physical and mental

Even Superman has his limits. Written for Farm Futures and originally published at xxx on xxx Farms are dangerous places, and most of us know of someone who was injured or killed in a farm accident. When accidents happen the farm community rallies around the family and provides support.  Go to many farms today, and there you will see high-visibility clothing, training programs, and discussions on how to stay safe during pre-harvest employee meetings.   Farming is dangerous, beyond equipment-related injuries and deaths. Farming kills and injures at the mental level as well, but we often don't want to acknowledge...

Business Growth Strategy, Succession Planning, Uncategorized

Keep the Peace: Farm business vs. farm life

As farms become larger, many families conclude that perks must be limited and keep business more separate from personal life.  Written for Farm Futures and published in the February 2024 issue.  Most families get along great and, on most days, enjoy working together.  This can lead the family to believe they are in alignment on essential issues.  But, often, there is enough differences between some fundamental principles that someday will cause friction.  Alignment around these principles falls under an underused area of transition planning called family governance.  They are critical in keeping the peace and creating a strong family farm.  ...

Business Growth Strategy, Uncategorized

Essential Skills for Leaders: Skill 1- STRATEGIC THINKING

There are 3 essential skills, beyond being great at on the technical side of things.  Skill 1: Strategic Thinking Written for Progressive Dairy and originally published Nov/Dec  2023 Scaling up or even surviving in dairy requires three essential skills beyond being great at the technical parts of dairy farming, such as nutrition, breeding, etc. I will discuss the first skill - strategic thinking - now and expand on the other two in future articles. Dairymen and dairywomen might shy away from the word "leader." Few in the industry wake up, look in the mirror and think of themselves as leaders....

Business Growth Strategy, Uncategorized

Move from Vision to Reality – Strategic Planning part 3

Is everyone pulling in the same direction? Written for Farm Futures and originally published Nov/Dec  2023 "We're family, and we work together every day. We know what each other wants." This is often the unspoken thought for many farmers, and it's logical reasoning. However, this logic makes several assumptions that can lead to misaligned priorities, confused employees, and sometimes conflict.   The problem arises not from what's talked about but what isn't. Specifically the vision for the future of the farm. We all know it's impossible to foresee the future, so why even try?   It is more common than...

Business Growth Strategy, Uncategorized

Complacency can Kill a Family Farm

Disbelief and Inaction can result in disaster. Written for Farm Futures and originally published Oct 2023 The high-performance aircraft engine ran smoothly above the Rocky Mountains on a trans-mountain flight, and the weather was sunny and calm.  Life was good.  The pilot scanned the engine monitor, and it showed the #3 cylinder was a little hotter than usual, but not by much.  After some adjustments to the engine, the cylinder was still running warm.  Was the pilot imagining things?  Perhaps the cylinder always ran this hot?  The pilot told himself everything else looked good, so this little thing must not...

Business Growth Strategy, Succession Planning, Uncategorized

Why do People Resist Change – Part 2

Three types of Resistance to Change I don't like it.  I don't understand it.  I don't trust you. Written for MILK magazine and originally published Aug. 2023 The entire dairy industry is going through massive restructuring and change.  These changes are forcing dairies to scale up to remain competitive, working with suppliers, finding labor, and finding a market for the milk.  The changes are also coming from within as many dairies transition the business to the next generation. These changes are profound, and change is hard.  Not every dairy will make the transition to the new dairy economy.  While sad,...

Business Growth Strategy, Uncategorized

Core Values – strategic planning part 2

Using Core Values  Understanding your farm's values creates clarity and alignment around what we care about at a gut level. Written for Farm Futures and originally published 6/28/2023. Last week I outlined the benefits of using formal strategic planning on farms. In addition to aligning generations as part of a transition plan, a strategic plan creates alignment and helps farmers be proactive versus reactive. Farmers tell me that strategic planning allowed them to jump on the right opportunities and hire the right employees faster because it was clear what they truly wanted. I have found that the more successful the farm, the...

Business Growth Strategy, Succession Planning, Uncategorized

Good Conflict is Necessary – Really, it is.

Good Conflict unearths all possible scenarios and the best solutions Written for Progressive Dairy and originally published June 2023. High-functioning family businesses need good conflict just as much as they need the right protocols for production. "I don't see it that way at all! I don't think you are seeing everything," a key employee emphatically exclaimed to one of the owners. Several long seconds passed before the owner quietly asked, "OK, how do you see it, and how did you come to your view?' The setting was a strategic planning retreat I was facilitating. This group included two owners and...

Business Growth Strategy, Uncategorized

Strategic Planning Part 1

What's the Plan? A good strategic plan allows for better and faster decision-making at all levels. Written for Farm Futures and originally published May 2023. Farms are busy places, and there is always more work than time in a day. One day and season runs into another; before you know it, it's time to start again. It's hard to think and plan for next week, let alone something longer. Yet some farms can plan and execute short, medium, and long-term plans and reap the benefits.   The farms that execute run smoother, whether it is a dairy farm in New...

Business Growth Strategy, Succession Planning, Uncategorized

Why do People Resist Change?

Have you ever wondered why some topics, people, or plans resist change? Written for MILK magazine and originally published May 2023. The dairy conference "season" is drawing to a close, and you undoubtedly have many good ideas you would like to implement on your dairy. After my presentations, I'm often asked a variation of this question. "How do I get the rest of the owners or leadership team to make the changes we need to make?" "I give them the facts, but we don't make a decision." Change is necessary to survive and thrive. No one operates their dairy the...