
Succession Planning

There are No Playbooks for Farm Transitions

Is there an easy how-to book or checklist that will guarantee a successful family farm transition? No. Is there an easy way you can sit down in an afternoon and complete your transition plan? No. The fact is the odds are against any family farm successfully transitioning to the next generation. Thus, when family farms do transition successfully, it is something to be proud of. Every farm is different, and every family is unique. Thus, each family farm has a unique history, culture, family dynamic, and business. Every farm moves at a different pace, and what is a roadblock to one farm...


Let Go. Then Reach Out for Opportunities

During this time of the year, we all look back at the past while also looking forward. We realize that there are things we could have done better and things that went much better than expected. That’s the nature of life. It’s also natural to hang on to the old in an ever-changing world. As business owners, we try to control every detail of our business while trying to grow. We tend to hang on to the old ways of doing things because they are familiar. We may hang on to the idea that our employees need micromanagement to be successful....